Brain spirit has been trying to climb to the’ high place’ of this city and try to control things here and rule the residents.

  • Actually, Qiao Cen was so nervous when he heard those words.

    It’s not because I’m afraid that Luo Jun didn’t hold back and made a fuss. The wedding started with the emcee’s stereo. Joe Cen and Luo Jun found a place to sit. What are they going to do today? It’s too wicked to ruin someone’s wedding. They came to see how Fang Qian is doing.…

    Read More: Actually, Qiao Cen was so nervous when he heard those words.
  • "What does this mean?"

    Jane herself was shocked and apologized. "I’m sorry, frigga, I didn’t mean to!" Thor quickly explained, "frigga Jane didn’t mean to hurt you. In fact, she just strayed into a corner of the universe because of celestial convergence, which activated a strange substance that parasitized her and formed a protective mechanism …" "this substance will…

    Read More: "What does this mean?"
  • But as soon as it fell into Mu Jiyue’s hands, she gave birth to disappointment.

    She would rather leave it there than give it to Mu Ji. Mu Jiyue has long been impatient with her. "Don’t play so much in your old age, it’s easy to die suddenly." Chapter 92 wishful thinking The queen mother can’t listen to such heartfelt words, and her face is red. Mu Ji month deliberately…

    Read More: But as soon as it fell into Mu Jiyue’s hands, she gave birth to disappointment.
  • "What …"

    "So you will return to Beijing sooner." I think I would love you if you had shown up earlier if there were no Xuanyuan Qi desert. After answering this sentence, Liu Siyun rode away. Leave Jinqi alone and cry. But it’s too late. It’s too late The palace found that Luo Jinqi was missing, so…

    Read More: "What …"
  • Oriental ze day gently took her to pick the eyebrow charm "what did you do? You really forgot? Still pretending? "

    This leprechaun is smart, and most people are no match for her. Jojo is utterly confused and stiff. "What do you mean? I was drunk last night and I don’t remember anything, but you didn’t drink. You are sober. Shouldn’t you explain? " It’s rare to see her stay cute. As soon as I get…

    Read More: Oriental ze day gently took her to pick the eyebrow charm "what did you do? You really forgot? Still pretending? "
  • Qin Mu’s face changed slightly in his heart, and chopsticks moved his humble lips.

    "orange orange, I want to discuss something with you." "hmm" Summer orange is a little strange. Isn’t he all independent? When did he become so polite? He also discussed looking up at him and motioned for him to say "You, you just quit." His voice is very gentle, but what he said surprised Xia Chen.…

    Read More: Qin Mu’s face changed slightly in his heart, and chopsticks moved his humble lips.
  • Sometimes in fact, men are very possessive, and their women can touch them themselves, but others can’t.

    Similarly, a woman can beat others herself. Du Kun sighed lightly, "How can you be so stupid and be bullied in vain?" 方茜如摇头吸了口气“没我可自己处理” 杜坤点头“想吃什么?”边说着边了车 —— 白氏团自那日重新改选了董事后第二天便了各大财经杂志首页封面 这些还不算白志远被亲生儿女逼得跳楼事却是闹得沸沸扬扬 一时社会于白家这件丑闻舆论席卷而来但贬却远远多余褒 不少人认就算真当时白志远做了什么对不起兄妹俩事但不管怎么说他都是兄妹俩亲生父亲 百善还孝当先呢 一大早乔岑便被话吵醒一看是洛筠她迷迷糊糊接了话轻应了一句“喂” “你还睡呢?快起床了!”洛筠大大咧咧音来 “怎么了?”乔岑并不想起床今天午没课去才去学校昨晚睡得又太晚根不想动弹 “你热搜了大岑岑!”洛筠音很兴奋 乔岑脑迷迷糊糊完没有反应过来过了一会儿才回道“什么热搜?白家事吗?”想想最近也就这件事干‘轰轰烈烈’了些吧 “不是不是你不是在祁奕承见面会台了吗昨天了热搜后来不知道谁把事情压去了了就看不到了” 她激动道“你可啊连大星都勾搭了” 乔岑撇嘴有些不耐烦问道“你喜欢他啊” “是啊超帅我跟你说!” 话音刚落便听见话那头乔慕北音响起“什么超帅是说我吗?我也觉得我超帅真有眼光!” 既然洛筠大吼“滚!” 洛筠似乎是找了个安静地方才口“说实话大岑岑见面会结束后你们联过吗?唔……就是他主动找你那种?” 乔岑沉默片刻像是在想着而后答道“他给了我一张名片算吗?” “算啊!你真是身在福中不知福大星名片面有话吧?拍给我瞧瞧” “扔了”乔岑简单两个字 洛筠“……”多少人梦寐求东西就这样让她轻飘飘两个字‘扔了’给打发了! 两人有一搭没一搭说了会儿话乔岑实在困得不行便跟她招呼了一挂了话 可刚挂话铃又响起乔岑有些不耐烦拿过手机看都没看便说道“不是跟你说了我睡觉!别吵我找你们家旺财去” “好” 话那头简简单单一个字 可—— 这是个男人音! 是一个陌生男人音! 乔岑猛地惊醒看了眼手机屏幕是个陌生号码归属地正是华夏国帝都 这音怎么这么耳熟呢?…

    Read More: Sometimes in fact, men are very possessive, and their women can touch them themselves, but others can’t.
  • 从她一跳楼就很显不是吗?

    可他眼觉得恶心了 很奇怪当一个人讨厌一个人这种讨厌似乎都能从心理反应升到生理反应了他对孟佳妩眼就是如此他看着她觉得可笑可笑这个人还是自己于他唇角都忍不住泛出笑意了 他看着孟佳妩慢慢道“可是你生命在我这里已经不值钱了” 孟佳妩狠狠愣一不敢置信地看着他 她没见过这样冷漠江卓宁 他对她说出这样话唇角甚还带着淡笑看去情漠然却认真 “我知道你生气……” 孟佳妩音低低看着他实在不知道说什么好 她很懊恼昨晚他挨刀什么不是自己如果是她他此刻定然不会如此他会歉疚自责会原谅她论如都更不可能和她分了 甚—— 许辉事情也可一笔勾销 江卓宁这样人最是富有同情心要她受伤他肯定能很轻易原谅她 孟佳妩看一眼昏迷童桐目光动了动 第529节 江卓宁却好像能看白她心思似唇角勾了个讥诮弧度目光凉薄极正如孟佳妩了解他一般他也了解孟佳妩 她决绝畏从来不怕死生命这样宝贵东西在她那里就好像筹码一样她可此赌注换取她更想要东西先前自己不就是被她这样举动震惊到吗? 孟佳妩跳楼是因爱他吗? Wrong. Yes, get him. When two people have never known each other, it’s very white for her to jump off a building in a fit of pique, isn’t it? She gave up her life to be with him…

    Read More: 从她一跳楼就很显不是吗?
  • The ground was covered with blood, dead bodies and scattered weapons.

    Hu Yanyuer and Mei Mei took dozens of hands to watch over the samurai who gave up resistance and more than 100 servants. They all squatted in the firelight, uneasy. Lin Yi swept away all the people in the Golden Temple and he said, "I killed Lin Yi when Liang Jiuyin is dead …" Those…

    Read More: The ground was covered with blood, dead bodies and scattered weapons.
  • She succeeded in gaining a new identity.

    In this world, her parents, Kirishima, died, and she was an orphan. This is recognized by the world rules, and all the corresponding historical materials and documents can prove this. This is the origin of Su Xueer’s identity. The second one has not appeared until now. Unity has remained silent. Su Xueer stared at the…

    Read More: She succeeded in gaining a new identity.