"What does this mean?"

Jane herself was shocked and apologized. "I’m sorry, frigga, I didn’t mean to!"
Thor quickly explained, "frigga Jane didn’t mean to hurt you. In fact, she just strayed into a corner of the universe because of celestial convergence, which activated a strange substance that parasitized her and formed a protective mechanism …"
"this substance will come out to protect Jane when strangers touch it."
When I heard this, frigga’s eyebrows locked.
"You mean … Jane has activated a substance in some corner of the universe, which parasitizes her and can protect her?"
"Yes," Thor nodded. "Mother, do you know what this substance is?"
"I might know …" frigga gently reached out to Jane and tried to touch her finger again.
This time, the red substance in Jane’s finger also bounced out.
"Well …"
Frigga was burned by the red substance again, and at the same time, her expression became panic, but the panic was not because she was burned, but because she recognized the substance.
"Is it! Dark elf weapons! "
"What?" Thor said he was at a loss. What do you mean? I can’t understand it at all.
Jane foster is also a face of "dark elves?"
Goofy instantly asked, "frigga, what is a dark elf?"
Frigga whispered, "The dark elves are an ancient race. Their history is as long as the universe … The darkness before the birth of light gave birth to the dark elves. They hold the most advanced technology and the most powerful weapons …"
"The leader of the dark elves is called Malekis. He is a cruel monarch. He tries to make the universe that is gradually moving towards light return to darkness, and Tai Zi is his tool to achieve his goal …"
"He painstakingly managed that most of the universe had fallen at that time, and the talons of the dark elves finally reached the nine realms and touched our home …"
"At that time, your father, the priests Odin, was not born yet. Asgard was led by your grandfather Bor, and the nine realms were United and successfully stopped the invasion of the dark elf Malekis …"
"The army of the dark elves defeated Malekis and escaped. Bor seized their most important weapon, Taizi, which is the ultimate weapon that can return the universe to darkness …"
"Bor tried to destroy this terrorist weapon, but he failed. The root method was destroyed to prevent escape. The dark elves once again got too many particles to make a comeback. Your grandfather Bor hid too many particles in a secret corner of the universe, and even Heimdahl’s eyes could see it."
Hearing this, Thor and Jane suddenly realized.
Jane was shocked and said, "It turns out that I just went here before, and I intentionally activated the elder Boer to hide too much?"
Thor asked, "So, mother, are there any dark elves in the universe?"
"Of course!" Frigga Shen said, "Malkis escaped and was not killed. He is lurking in a corner of the universe waiting to make a comeback!"
"The dark elves are too close to each other. They can perceive that the dark elves were not aware of the position of the too-grain when it was blocked before the too-grain activity, but now that the too-grain is activated, the dark elves will quickly find the position of the too-grain and come and take it away …"
"Oh, my God, what should I do?" Jane foster realized that she had made a big mistake and asked nervously, "what should we do?"
Thor’s mentality is excellent "afraid of? Come just to destroy their department! "
Frigga sighed and shook his head. "Boy, you are still too young. The strength of the dark elves was too strong. Even your grandfather almost died …"
"What? This is impossible! " Thor doesn’t believe Frieda’s beautiful words shake head a way
Frigga wry smile a "child dark elves are the oldest race in the universe, they hold the most advanced technology, before their technology, Asgard’s technology is backward like the original society …"
Thor was speechless. He didn’t think frigga was lying to him.
Goofy and white frigga said yes, dark elf warships can easily penetrate Asgard’s defense network-dare Odin to invade Asgard head-on without sleeping, leaving or dying.
Chapter 36 Return to Asgard
After listening to frigga’s narrative, everyone’s expression is very dignified.
Although not everyone understood the story of the dark elves and Malekis, everyone understood one thing-the horse of the Nine Realms is about to face a great war.
"Mother, if we call the best fighters in Asgard now, do we have a chance to defeat the dark elves and Malkis?" Thor asked.
"The odds are slim …" frigga said pessimistically. "At the beginning, your grandfather Bohr not only called the best fighter in Asgard, but also United the whole nine worlds to defeat the dark elves …"
"What’s more, your father’s last sleep was interrupted by an accident. He is in a bad state now. If he forces his troops to go out, he may fail …"
Two years ago (when Raytheon 1 was filmed), Odin should have entered Odin Sleep according to the life cycle of Asgard people. Unfortunately, Loki colluded with the ice giant to invade Asgard and forcibly interrupted Odin Sleep.
Now Odin is close to 5 years old and has reached the life limit of Asgard people. Every time Odin sleeps, he will continue his life and repair his ability.
Loki interrupted Odin’s sleep, and Odin’s strength and life span have fallen sharply. Now that he has reached a spent force, it is unlikely that he will come out against Malkis again.
Thor also Bai Odin situation immediately volunteered "don’t need father uses personal expedition I can Asgard commander in chief! Mother asked me to lead the Asgard warriors to kill them once and for all! "
Frigga nai shook his head and rejected Thor’s proposal.
"Children’s dark elves are stronger than technology. They have more advanced technology … It’s different to try rashly before knowing their strength."
Thor looked depressed. "What do you think we should do?"
Frigga glanced at Jane Foster and whispered, "At present, the safest way is to try to separate Tai Zi from Jane’s body and let your father seal it again. If we can do this before the dark elves get Tai Zi, then the dark elves will lose their direction and get it."
Hearing this, Goofy interjected, "So frigga, you mean you have returned to Asgard with Jane?"
"Yes," frigga said. "With all due respect, Asgard’s scientific and technological level is ahead of the earth, and there is greater hope for successful separation there."
"I don’t deny this." Goofy nodded. The current level of science and technology on the earth really can’t separate too many grains.
At this time, frigga added, "In addition, since Taichi is awakened, the dark elves may come to Taichi at any time. They are a cruel and aggressive race, and their arrival will be accompanied by killing …"
"The earth’s current defense against the dark elves will be a catastrophe for the whole mankind once the dark elves reach the earth …"
"Asgard’s defense system is more perfect, and we can also prepare for the dark elves before. I think we should bear the attack of the dark elves."
Frigga’s kindness moved Gao Fei, which is a great favor to the earth.
Goofy gently took frigga’s hand and sincerely said, "Thank you."
But in this way, the plot pushes forward the original plot of Thor 2. Jane Foster came to Asgard and the dark elves invaded them. Their technology completely escaped Asgard’s monitoring system and even escaped Heimdahl’s eyes and entered Asgard unnoticed …
Asgard was unfortunately killed when he was invaded by frigga.
Goofy really doesn’t want her to sacrifice less, but she should try to save her.
"frigga" Goofy said, "I think the dark elves will definitely invade Asgard. You must be careful during this period. They may send spies into Asgard first and then launch a general attack from inside …"
"I’m white" frigga nodded. "Don’t worry too much about me. There are many guards guarding me in Asgard."
Next to Thor, he smiled and said, "Don’t worry, I will protect frigga."
Goofy is still worried that the invasion of the dark elves is too fierce.
"Don’t take it lightly, don’t face these vicious guys alone," Goofy repeatedly charged.
Frigga couldn’t help smiling tenderly when he saw Goofy’s heart.
"Knowing that a good boy feels that you are more nagging than an old woman like me?"