Although Bukharin is three years old, he is the oldest member of the Russian Revolutionary Party at present. He was an important member of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Party in Lenin’s time. In another world, he strongly opposed Lenin and Germany to sign the Treaty of Bretz, which ceded a large amount of land. members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and members of the Supreme National Economic Council were shot in secret in Stalin’s purges in 193. However, in this world, the low tide of revolution made the vast majority of revolutionaries closely United. Despite some differences in strategy and political views, brolin and 47-year-old Stalin maintained good relations for a long time.

Special envoys know each other’s meaning "let you laughed! Recently, the German government is re-coordinating the national economy, so the temporary funds law will give more help. However, weapons, ammunition and military materials are still very abundant in Germany. If your party agrees to cooperate with the German army, guns and ammunition will be shipped from Germany soon! "
Brolin didn’t say anything, and then asked Kirov Stalin’s most loyal confidant and assistant that the other world was assassinated in 1934, and his death also became the direct trigger for Stalin’s purge.
"Presumably the Turkish government will also send troops to Russia from this direction!"
The envoy politely told him, "I’m sorry to talk about this issue for the time being. At present, the Turkish government has not announced it!"
Then there was silence in the cabin for nearly two minutes, and Stalin spoke very seriously.
"In this case, Mr. Special Envoy, we need a treaty signed by the Kaiser himself. It is written that Germany will withdraw from Russia after the war and never establish an exchange of political enemies with the Russian Revolutionary Party. Germany can legally occupy Ukraine, Finland and baku province, and Elizabeth Bohr Province. In addition, we need one billion marks of economic assistance. Your country can pay in installments in 20 years! If the Kaiser accepts our demands, we will call the Central Committee to discuss and vote. If we vote, we will cooperate with your queen’s army! "
The envoy thought for a moment. "I must get the opinion of the Kaiser first. I’m afraid it will take a few days!" "
"No, we are not in a hurry!" Stalin said frankly
The envoy immediately got up and left, and then rushed to Tbilisi to take a Turkish military plane and arrived in Istanbul after refueling several times. At the airport there was a passenger plane with the longest voyage in Germany-the Gotha gv 16-seat passenger plane, which can fly to Berlin with one wing and two big birds from western Turkey!
Three days later, the special envoy returned to Tivolis Gori, and this time he brought a positive reply from the Kaiser and a handwritten letter. In the next few days, the two sides discussed some details and quickly reached an agreement. The special envoy immediately flew back to Berlin with the drafted Treaty of Gori, and Stalin led the revolutionary party to call the Central Committee of the country in Gori. Because Stalin’s three-person group had already agreed to this treaty, there was no great suspense.
On May 1, 1927, the German special envoy arrived in Gori City with the German Emperor signing the Treaty of Gori, and then Stalin signed the Treaty on behalf of the Russian Revolutionary Party. For the revolutionary party, although the two sides were driven by common interests, they faced another common enemy, which was an opportunity to make up for the failure of both sides in 1914. For Stalin, when he was under house arrest in Germany, he realized many things, including friends and enemies and subtle promises of interests, which made him more careful when he was in Germany. Maybe one day the two sides will face each other on the battlefield because of conflicts of interests, but at present, he must strive for the exhibition of the Russian revolution at all costs.
Chapter 3 We are by no means soft persimmons.
On March 3, 1925, with the last blue-and-white flag slowly lowered in Canada, the United Kingdom finally became history. Edward announced his abdication. It was once a heyday, and the empire irretrievably went to the disintegration of the British Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Zun De Huang Xin Yuan Canada, and the declaration of independence of the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand …
Oceania Australia
It is the flattest and driest place in the world. The western plateau of the central depression has a dry climate. The desert can be used for animal husbandry and farming. There are 260,000 square kilometers of coastal areas, especially the southeast coastal areas, which are suitable for living and farming. The hilly land is rich in water and fertile land. Except for the south coast, the whole coastal area forms a "green belt" that surrounds the big six. It is this "green belt" that has nurtured this country. Australia’s six barren and arid areas are rich in mineral resources. Australia’s iron ore production ranks second in the world.
As early as 40,000 years ago, the indigenous people lived and multiplied in this ancient land. In 16o6, the Spanish navigator Torres sailed through the straits in Australia and New Guinea. In the same year, the Dutchman William Jane Duyvein set foot in Australia, and it was the first time that foreigners actually landed in Australia in 6177o. The British navigator Captain Cook now named it "New South Wales" on the east coast of Australia and declared this land a British territory.
At that time, the British took Australia as a place where prisoners were exiled.
On January 1st, 17th, a fleet of 6 ships led by Captain Philip arrived in Australia Garden Bay, including 736 prisoners. On January 26th, 17th, they formally established the first British colony in Port Jackson, Australia.
In 179o, the first batch of freemen from Britain moved to Sydney Center, Australia, and gradually spread to 6 exhibitions. In 103, the colonial area has been expanded to today’s Tasmania. The early colonies only relied on agriculture and then facilitated the exhibition of natural conditions. In 119 years, the animal husbandry in Australia has been greatly exhibited. At that time, Captain McCarther and his wife jointly cultivated the earliest snail horn sheep in Australia, and the total number of sheep in their pasture reached 6ooo. The wool produced by the colonies was not only self-sufficient, but also exported to Britain in exchange for Japanese life. In 150 years, Australia’s sheep husbandry industry reached a total of 100,000 sheep pens. At that time, half of Britain’s total wool imports came from Sydney and Moore, Australia, which replaced Hamburg, Germany, as the world’s most famous wool distribution center. In the 1950s, a large number of gold miners from Europe, America and China flocked to New South Wales and Victoria, while Australia’s population surged from 4,000 in 150 years to 1,100,000 in 160 years. Later, many important gold mines were discovered one by one, and a large number of mineral deposits were discovered in the same period
On January 1, 1961, six colonial areas in Australia were unified into a federal Australia by referendum.
On March 3rd, 1925, Australia declared its independence from the Commonwealth and became an independent federal country. The president of the Commonwealth was the head of the Federal Prime Minister’s government. The respected William Morris Hughes was born in London in 164 and immigrated to Australia for 14 years. The Welshman used to be a gravel cutter, a pasture ranger, a sailor, a dining room manager, a cattle dealer, a wool shearer, an actor, a goods checker, a housekeeper and a grocery store owner. He was the chairman of the Australian Dockworkers’ Federation, a member of the Legislative Council and a member of the Australian Federal Parliament.
From 1915 to 1923, he was the Prime Minister of Australia, and the leader and prime minister of the Labor Party were deeply loved by the people.
At the time of independence, Australia’s population was about 65 million, and its economic level reached the level of middle-level countries in Europe. Animal husbandry is the core and pillar country of the national economy, with 1.1 billion sheep and more than 10 million cattle with an annual output of nearly 4 million tons of wool, and the output of beef and butter is also in the forefront of the world. At the same time, the planting area of agricultural products is increasing year by year, and the annual output of wheat is more than 2 million tons. Mining industry is another pillar industry in Australia, in which gold mining accounts for half of the total output value of mining industry, with an annual output of more than 1 million tons of gold,
In such a rich country, the industry, especially the heavy industry, did not reach the level of 250,000 tons in 1926, and most of the steel was used to build railways instead of military industry and shipbuilding. During the war, the army sent a total of 510,000 soldiers to Britain. Most of them were killed in the Allied War, and less than one-fifth of them returned to Australia after the war, and there were many wounded soldiers. This made Australia fall into a state of long-term exhaustion of troops after the war. At present, the total number of the three armed forces is less than 100,000, of which 6 armed forces have 4 divisions with more than 70,000 people equipped with British weapons, but lack of heavy artillery and armored vehicles. At its peak in 1914, the navy owned one heavy cruiser and three light cruisers. Six destroyers, three submarines and more than 20,000 naval fighters were the first navy in Oceania’s history, but most of these naval forces were destroyed in supporting the British war. By the end of the British Empire in 1925, there were two old cruisers, one destroyer and nine gunboats in Australia, and most of the 150,000 naval officers and men belonged to the coastal defense forces. The army has only one brigade, more than 60 fighter planes, more than 100 pilots and logistics personnel, and only 1,000 people.
From 1925 to 1927, although Australia’s investment in national defense increased after independence, it was still a thin-skinned, fragrant bun. In March 1927, the hungry wolf finally came!
On February 3, the Japanese government formally submitted a diplomatic ultimatum to Australia, demanding that the Australian government pay the Japanese Emperor Yuan and accept the "protection" of the imperial army of the Japanese Empire. The condition was to "pay tribute" to the Emperor every year for 500,000 sheep, 250,000 tons of wool, 100,000 tons of butter, 100,000 tons of cheese, 500 tons of gold, 200,000 tons of iron ore, 500,000 tons of coal mine stone and 10,000 tons of various fish.
On the same day, I received an ultimatum from the Japanese government, and New Zealand, a former Commonwealth country with an area of only 270,000 square kilometers, was asked to "pay" 1 million sheep, 50,000 tons of butter, 50,000 tons of cheese, 5 tons of gold, 10,000 tons of fish and 5,000 tons of iron and coal mines every year-the Australian and New Zealand governments immediately rejected this outrageous ultimatum.
On February 11, the Japanese government submitted an ultimatum to the two countries in an attempt to intimidate two small Oceania countries into submission by war.
Australian President Hughes decided to refuse to accept the Japanese ultimatum after an emergency call for parliamentarians and military generals, and New Zealand also made the same decision a day later-the so-called tribute of the Japanese is almost disguised rule, and surrendering most of their annual income means poverty, backwardness and disaster.
Declare war on Australia and New Zealand on March 13th.
After declaring war in response to the Japanese Empire, Australia and New Zealand successively announced the general mobilization of the country, but all places that can fight on the battlefield should take up arms to defend the motherland. The two countries also announced the formation of a military alliance to jointly invade the Japanese Empire.
From mid-March, Japanese fleets from Singapore and Tachi naval bases attacked and blocked the sea transportation lines between Australia and New Zealand, and shelled and attacked some coastal targets of the two countries.
Although the Japanese government’s aggression was an attempt to get rid of the economic crisis, it was a long-planned attempt to seek Australia and New Zealand. On the second day after Japan declared war, the Songping Brigade and Nakai Cavalry Wing of the 21st Division stationed in Singapore were ready to board the ship. They boarded a batch of Japanese troops attacking Australia on March 17th, and then set off for Australia under the escort of the 3rd Fleet of Japan.
Although the Japanese Ministry despises Australia and New Zealand, which are composed of immigrants, after all, the two countries, especially Australia, are vast in territory, so after the Songping Brigade and the Nakai Cavalry Wing came out, they transferred the 6 th Division of Xiong, the 7 th Division of Sapporo and some 6 naval teams to form the Oceania Army. These troops were escorted from the soil by naval vessels at the end of March.
As the "Singapore Compact" between Germany and Japan is still valid, Germany announced on the 15th that Australia and New Zealand would sever all diplomacy and freeze their assets in the country, but did not detain their merchant ships stranded in Europe, while Chile and Mexico did not take hostile measures against the two countries, their merchant ships could still conduct normal trade activities in America.
In Germany, the British Kingdom was instructed to take the initiative to lend a helping hand to Australia and New Zealand. The special envoy of King Robert I told the two countries that the British Kingdom was willing to pay for weapons, ammunition and instructors to help them fight against invaders. Considering that Australia and New Zealand were long-term British citizens, British citizens had very close ties, and the two countries quickly accepted the assistance from the British Kingdom.
From the end of March, the British Kingdom recruited support from England, Scotland and Wales to go to Australia and the new battlefields. A total of 160,000 British citizens who had served in the British Imperial Army were recruited in a week, of which about 7,000 were naval fighters and 63 were qualified as pilots of the British Imperial Army. These soldiers quickly signed weapons in Edinburgh and Liverpool, and middle and senior officers of the German Scottish Mercenary Company were appointed by the British Royal Guard.
In addition, a number of light ships and submarines retired from the German navy were sold to Australia and New Zealand through the British Kingdom, but when these weapons were delivered to the Australian and New Zealand armies, the two armies had to resist the first Japanese offensive.
Australia’s long coastline is full of beaches suitable for boarding the Sixth Battle, but the number and equipment of naval garrison troops guarding this coastline are seriously insufficient. On March 2o, when 12oo Japanese soldiers boarded the Sixth Battle from a beach in the east of Windham, Australia under the cover of battleships "6 Ao" and "Gu Ying", an Australian army company was defeated by Japanese warship artillery fire. In the following day, 72oo soldiers from the rest of Songping Brigade and more than 5oo cavalry from Nakai Cavalry Wing also successfully boarded the Sixth Battle.
On the 6th of that night, Japanese troops marched into Windham to guard the city, where there were less than 2oo Australian militiamen. They had 92 Linfield rifles, 36 revolvers and 4o shotguns, no machine guns and artillery ammunition, but these Australians had a brave heart.
Although the opponent didn’t deal with the cavalry machine guns and tried to sneak into the city while it was dark, the Australians came to drive away the wild dogs. The shotgun was stunned and the dying Japanese soldiers were left in the street leading to the town center and evacuated hastily. Those cavalry bodies also left some small iron balls more or less.
Immediately afterwards, the commander of Songping Brigade, Songping Chunji, sent two infantry brigades in an attempt to destroy the resistance of Australians. Seeing that more than 1ooo Japanese soldiers were trotting forward with bayonets and cats around their waists, the Australian militia still did not confront the Japanese head-on, but hid in every corner of the town and shot them in the back and received strict tactical training. The Japanese soldiers were embarrassed by such town guerrilla warfare.
It’s a pity that this small town is too small and the number of Japanese soldiers is too large. After half a night of tossing, the Windham gun finally subsided. After that, the Australians achieved the result of killing 61 enemy soldiers, but it also annoyed the invincible Japanese army. At dawn, the men, women and children of the city were driven to a church by Japanese soldiers. In this sacred place, the Japanese machine gun rang …
On February 22nd, the old and firm voice of President Hughes was heard on the radio all over Australia.
"Australian federal citizens, I have to tell you a bad news with grief and indignation. Just a few days ago, thousands of Japanese soldiers boarded 6 in Windham Beach in southwest China and captured Windham Town that night! The result of a war is acceptable to us, but it is pointed out that Japanese soldiers slaughtered 1241 unarmed old people, women, children and armed militia in just ten minutes. Every dead person was an Australian citizen, and every dead person raised his hands before he died! Such cruel facts let us see our opponents clearly. They are cold-blooded demons! Let’s not choose to fight! Fight to the end! Long live Australia! Long live freedom! "
In just a few days, a large number of Australian troops, militiamen and civilians with all kinds of weapons quickly tied a train to the southwest beach, full of young people and middle-aged people, even white-haired old people. The ranchers near the old man rode horses with shotguns and hounds, and farmers and miners also formed a patriotic defense group. On March 29th, when the battle of Windham began, the Japanese army gathered at 6 locations. The morale of the Australian army was over 150,000.
The fighting lasted for three days and nights. During this period, new forces continued to join the attackers. Although the Japanese had advanced weapons and warships to support them, they finally retreated in front of the angered Australians and the Australians who died.
On April 2 nd, the Ministry of War withdrew from the 6 th fleet. The Australians made great sacrifices and won the first victory in the war. Several people shouted to the world with their blood and lives. We are not weak. Don’t try to treat us like soft persimmons!
The fourth chapter is willing to buy and sell
Helgolan Island, Germany’s gateway to the southwest of the North Sea, is famous for its strategic position. At the beginning of the world war in 1914, Britain won the naval battle of Helgolan here, but it also angered the German navy. After the battle of Pascal Flo, the situation turned sharply, and the British quickly lost the control of the sea. Edward the British Isles suffered for ten years in Canada and eventually died.
Nowadays, Britain, Ireland has become a German ally, neighboring Holland, and Denmark also poses a threat to Germany. The North Sea has become a German force "sea" and Helgolan Island has changed from a warning outpost to a pure naval weapon test plant.
After entering March, the European economic crisis has gradually subsided, but all walks of life are still in a depression period. Most countries in the world are attracted by the war in Oceania, and there are always objective profits behind the smoke, so arms dealers are ready to move.
On the first day of February, an export ship exhibition promotion meeting was held in the sea area of Helgolan Island at the Royal Kiel Shipyard. Although the scale of this exhibition was ordinary, it was somewhat unexpected, attracting military attaché s and government procurement specialists from many countries to come to William III, King Robert I of Britain and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. King Alfonso XIII of Spain even condescended to visit and entertain these distinguished guests. This time, he launched his own private yacht "Royal Etiquette", which is 9 meters long and costs 120 million Euromarks. However, it is far from the most luxurious yacht in the world, but it has exquisite layout, unique design of VIP area, ordinary area, restaurant and guest room, especially the top communication equipment and a small seaplane, so that the Kaiser can command state affairs remotely when he is on vacation.